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Elements flow

I have been using the theme of the elements as a lovely flow in class this term, then I saw these houses (all named after an element) on holiday! I just loved the colours and the symbols painted on them.

There have been lots of new clients and projects this term - the 10 week @KHLF funded group for ladies with secondary breast cancer finishes this week, and new outreach classes at a men's group in a church and at a sheltered housing have also begun. Regular classes (for anyone with a health condition) continue in Peebles on Wednesday morning, Zoom on Wednesday evening and Dalkeith ( Move for Men) on Thursday morning. 1:1 available on request.

If you would like to try yoga, but don't know what to expect, please get in touch. All my classes are tailored specifically for people who have health conditions and find moving, balancing or breathing harder than they used to. The whole class can be done in a chair, or you can be lying or standing for parts if you wish.

I will try and get a little video of the elements flow up soon!

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